Onlyfans Dating Survey
XFans Hub has surveyed over 2000 Onlyfans creators to discover how their dating life has been affected by their career choices.
The survey revealed some interesting statistics including 47% of creators finding dating very challenging. 42% have a relationship end once they tell their significant other about their Onlyfans & 31% experiencing jealousy from their partners due to their financial earnings.
Have you found it challenging to maintain a dating life while being an OnlyFans creator?
- a) Yes, it has been very challenging – 47%
- b) Somewhat challenging – 32%
- c) Not challenging at all – 21%
Have you ever experienced judgment or discrimination from potential partners because of your OnlyFans content?
- a) Yes, frequently – 37%
- b) Sometimes – 42%
- c) No, never – 21%
Have you ever disclosed your OnlyFans career to a partner? If so, how did they react?
- a) They were supportive and understanding – 27%
- b) They were hesitant but eventually accepted – 31%
- c) They were uncomfortable with it and ended the relationship – 42%
Have you ever faced harassment or threats because of your OnlyFans content?
- a) Yes, frequently – 17%
- b) Sometimes – 48%
- c) No, never – 35%
Have you ever faced challenges balancing your personal life and your OnlyFans career?
- a) Yes, it’s been very challenging – 46%
- b) Somewhat challenging – 36%
- c) Not challenging at all – 18%
Do you believe that being an OnlyFans creator has impacted your ability to find a long-term partner?
- a) Yes, it has greatly impacted my ability to find a long-term partner – 37%
- b) Somewhat, it has made it more challenging – 44%
- c) No, it hasn’t had any impact on my ability to find a long-term partner – 19%
Have you ever faced challenges with trust in relationships because of your OnlyFans career?
- a) Yes, it has been a challenge to establish trust with partners – 40%
- b) Somewhat, it has caused some issues but we’ve been able to work through them – 39%
- c) No, it hasn’t impacted trust in my relationships – 21%
How has your dating life been improved by your OnlyFans income?
- a) It has greatly improved my dating life – 6%
- b) It has somewhat improved my dating life – 18%
- c) It hasn’t had any impact on my dating life – 76%
Have you ever felt like your OnlyFans career has interfered with your ability to maintain a healthy relationship?
- a) Yes, it has interfered with maintaining a healthy relationship – 46%
- b) Somewhat, it has caused some issues but we’ve been able to work through them – 33%
- c) No, it hasn’t interfered with maintaining a healthy relationship – 21%
Have you ever experienced jealousy from a partner because of your OnlyFans income or content?
- a) Yes, frequently – 31%
- b) Sometimes – 52%
- c) No, never – 17%