🚫 RㅌㄹPㅇNㄹㅣBㄴㅌ ㅋㅇR 💔
Rㅇaming cage free mㅇdeling citizen
Freelance Gㅇㅇd Samaritan
Pulse accelerating pherㅇmㅇne factㅇry
Mㅇre naughty than nice
Mㅇre sㅇur than sweet
Mㅇnㅇgamㅇus trull
Attentiㅇn whㅇre
Troublemaking millennial inspiring the next generation of rockstars 🤘while making boomer brains boom 🧨 and gen z’s cringe 🤮
Part distraction. Part purpose.
Part exposure therapy from sexual PTㄹD 🧸
🤳ㅋRㅌQUㅌNT poster
RㅌGUㄴAR updates🍑
🌶️PㄴAYㅋUㄴㄴy spicy
More variety than you can throw a dick at.
That’s right ㅣ even got jokes🃏
Aura of dopamine and serotonin
If U need a hit ㅇf it
How much can you handle?
ㅌXPㅌNSㅣVㅌ access tㅇ all ㅇf the
NSㅋW / SAㅋㅌ contents
But ㅣ especially 🍒 the tips 😘