Types of Onlyfans Accounts

What types of OnlyFans accounts are there?
Key takeaways:
- There are two main Onlyfans accounts - Free & Paid
- PPV (pay-per-view) is a model that can be utilized within both types of Onlyfans accounts
Onlyfans is a social media platform that anyone can use once registered. After you are verified and live you can now promote and sell your content to subscribers! As a content creator, you have three main types of Onlyfans accounts you can utilize. These depend on your goals and objective, determining which type of Onlyfans account is best for your subscriber base.
We will go over the three main types of Onlyfans accounts you can choose as a creator. Going over the marketing and promotional benefits of each. Helping you to maximize your revenue stream.
Free Onlyfans Accounts
When you set up an Onlyfans account it will default to free. This allows anyone to subscribe to your Onlyfans, gaining access to all your content including videos, messages, and photos.
There are a lot of free Onlyfans accounts with over 80% cost zero dollars to signup to. Getting as much traffic is the goal of this tactic. With the idea of earning money via tips and upselling content/messages.
A lot of first-time creators on Onlyfans automatically assume that if they make their account free they won't make money. This couldn't be further from the truth! As setting your Onlyfans price to free is a great way to increase subs and start making money right away.
The idea of this technique is to post multiple photos daily, keeping them all sexy but nothing explicit or over the top. Post anything you consider sexy that you would happily post on Snapchat, Instagram, or TikTok. Remember to also have a wide variety of content, satisfying different groups of people, but always keep it in the PG - M range.
After doing this for a number of weeks you should have built a solid subscriber base. Next, open a second Onlyfans account at a set monthly price. You can then link this new paid account with the free one, giving all your current subscribers the chance to signup for the new one. On the paid account you can post more explicit content than cant be seen on the free account.
Once you have your paid account don't start neglecting the free one! The free account is going to be your main source of traffic. Bringing in new subscribers and funneling them to paid customers.
Paid Onlyfans Accounts
A paid Onlyfans account is simply one that has a monthly cost in order to access the content. Once a user has signed up with their card details they can gain access to the Onlyfans feed and all current posts.
If you are a content creator who is considering using this strategy you will need to navigate to the settings section & set your price. When choosing your price it's important to review what content you will be posting, how often, and the amount of time spent interacting with subscribers. It's important, to be honest with yourself about how much work you want to put into Onlyfans. Often girls think they can do minimum work and make serious money each month. We are here to tell you this is a dream and you will only get what you put in.
Setting an unrealistic price for what you provide will only lead to bad business. Subscribers will quickly drop off and even if you can bring in & convert traffic it won't become a long-term revenue stream. This is why it's important to get your price point correct, allocating time to do so is advised.
Most successful paid account set their price in the $4-$7 range. Some big artists, actors, and creators with large social media followings do charge much higher prices, ranging from $20 - $50 per month. We recommend new creators avoid this as they do not have the notoriety to command such high prices.
After some time of building up a loyal subscriber base and delivering high-level content, you can slightly raise your prices. It's best to always converse with your community in regard to this tho! As getting direct feedback from your customers is valuable and can help you make decisions on what content to produce and the price to set it at. Listen to your subscribers and utilize them to discover what they want and the price they are willing to pay for it.
If you do decide to start with a paid Onlfans account it's important to note you will need to place more emphasis on promotion. Free accounts get much more followers simply due to the fact they cost nothing. For a paid account you will need to put in more work to convince them to put in those card details. Utilizing Onlyfans search sites like XFans Hubs helps put your Onlyfans account in front of thousands of daily users. All actively looking to find an Onlyfans account to subscribe to. To learn more about our promotional packages click here:
PPV Onlyfans Accounts
PPV Onlyfans account isn't actually a type, but rather a strategy. In order to deploy you will need to have your account set to either free or paid. It doesn't matter which, but free accounts usually work better for PPV. The concept is the user can't see a specific piece of content unless they pay a set one-time fee! This is where the name PPV comes from, meaning Pay Per View.
Creators who use this will upload photos or videos that are more explicit in nature. These are then blocked out from subscribers unless they pay up. Often content creators will set these around five to ten dollars, depending on what type of content the PPV is hiding.
As mentioned if you have a free account this tactic works wonders. Free subscribers will often be more willing to pay a small one-time fee to see more. In order to use this technique it's best to post a number of sexy photos and then offer a more explicit version in video via PPV. This lures in customers with a tease and then hopefully gets them to pay for more!
Pay per view model can also be used in private messages. Where content creators will deliver custom-requested content in exchange for a fee done through PPV. Remember to add this feature to your Bio so your subscribers know it's available.